Industrial Metals Champions Fund


The Industrial Metals Champions Fund is an open-end fund incorporated in Liechtenstein. The Industrial Metals Champions Fund offers the investor the opportunity to participate in an actively managed portfolio of mining companies active in the industrial metals sector. The Fund’s objective is to achieve long-term return.


A portfolio of industrial metal equities reduces firm specific risks while it increases the commodity exposure. The Industrial Metals Champions Fund invests in the top 25 industrial metal producers based on our ICG Alpha Scorecard with an interesting geographical mix and strong focus on value, low cost and low financial leverage metrics.


Industrial Metal companies are entering a phase of improving margins and the valuation is very low on a relative basis compared to the global equity markets. Industrial metals are critical for renewable and clean energy and their importance in the energy transition is underestimated (the age of critical metals).

Industrial Metals Champions Fund


On this website the performance is updated only monthly. But daily performance is visible on all financial portals like Bloomberg

IMC NAV & Performance


C-Class inception 08.01.2021

D-Class incepiton 23.11.2022

F-Class inception 10.02.2023

Industrial Metals Champions Fund

Fund Facts

More information and documents available on fundinfo or upon request.

wdt_ID Share classes A - USD Class Institutional B - CHF Class Institutional C - USD Class Institutional D - CHF Class Institutional F - USD Class Retail F - USD Class Retail
2 Bloomberg ticker GATNTRA LE Equity GATNTRB LE Equity GATNTRC LE GATNTRD LE Equity GATNTRF LE 0,00
3 ISIN LI0382154354 LI0382154693 LI0580310303 LI1121337953 LI1205086088 0,00
4 Management fee 1.20% p.a. 1.20% p.a. 0.60% p.a. 1.50% p.a. 2.0% p.a. 0,00
5 Min. subscription USD 1'000'000 USD 1'000'000 USD 5'000'000 USD 500'000 1 share 0,00
6 Trading frequency Daily, no lock-up, no redemption fees Daily, no lock-up, no redemption fees Daily, no lock-up, no redemption fees Daily, no lock-up, no redemption fees Daily, no lock-up, no redemption fees 0,00
wdt_ID Documents Download
8 Monthly Report Download
10 Halbjahresbericht Download
11 Jahresbericht Download
12 Mitteilung Download
13 Nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Offenlegung Download
14 PRIIP KID Download
15 Prospekt UCITS Download

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